Monday, September 13, 2010

DAY 32

Lizzy- Last night Ryan and I spent forever staring at our backyard and coming up with some fun plans for it. A new deck/basketball court/ trampoline/ outdoor kitchen/fire pit and jacuzzi. I was pricing out things online and found some great deals for the stone and some materials for the deck. Its going to be so hard to pass up some really great deals for the year. But realizing that spending no money is the best deal of all will help. I was talking to a lady at work and she kept questioning me about the no spending. We started talking about movies and she stopped "you wont even go see a movie?" Then later we were talking about places to eat and she stopped again. "You wont even go through another drive through?" Its kind of funny how the more we talk about it sounds like life is ending and this is an eternal plan. I just laugh because its already been a month and it seems second nature now to just use alternate means. We even pulled out our water filter from the fridge and realized its done for unless we got another filter. As we talked about it we first suggested health reasons....but really is that an excuse? How many of us use filtered water?
I agree tap is so disgusting but its not "unsafe" though it may taste that way. By law it has to be drinkable so why not get used to it. Besides for a pack of filters would have cost us $39 on Sat. So right there is another chunk of money. I think we will still use the container and chill the water in the fridge...that may take away the taste a bit too. So for two days now we have been on tap water and still alive somehow. (granted once this year is over this may be the first thing I run back to:)

Ryan - Sandy water doesn't have any bad taste at all. Sugarhouse on the other hand is not good at all. That prompted us to get the filter. But Sandy actually taste just fine and I can't tell the difference. We had friends over and had a lot of fun. We told them about our goal and they were interested in trying it. It is becoming second nature as Lizzy said to resist.

ITEM WANTED: Pack of water filters
COST: $39

TOTAL $ SAVED YTD: $455.88

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