Ryan - Went to do repair for an old customer and I didn't charge him anything. I could have, but he's been a really good customer and has referred three jobs my way. I kind of categorizes this as "what goes around comes around" theory. It was 1/4 tank of gas to get out to his house, but I'm not worried about it.
Lizzy - Spent the day working, cleaning, cooking and spending half the day outside raking leaves and pulling weeds. It was nice to be in the sunshine cold but nice plus the yard needs winterizing. I did have to go get a humidifier and one could question that purchase, however I see it as a preventative measure as far as sickness and the heater bill. The kids started coughing after the weekend and my skin is cracking due to the cold weather. So instead of going to pay for hospital visits and prescription creams which we do every winter, I thought this would be a cheaper route.
I also learned and have experimented with the fact that we can have our heater turned very low, but because of the humidity it feels a lot warmer and keeps our bedrooms heated during the night. I have been turning the heather off during the days and just dressing everyone up in socks and long sleeves. Then at night turn it back on but keep it low. Usually and always in the past I have never paid attention to the thermostat. I would walk by it every day and adjust if to how we felt at the time. I never cared too much about the cost or running it as high as I wanted during the winter. But we will see how it effects the bill. They usually have a chart for the year to show what you paid last year. So granted we were not in this house last year but I will try and track our previous years and see the difference. I guess my only concern with it is how much damage it will do to my furniture,carpet and walls. The pharmacy said I could run it all day/night but would that not cause mold or ruin my stuff? We will have to see how this goes.
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