Monday, November 15, 2010

DAY 92

Lizzy - Tough Day. I had to go back to the store to return our yogurt and was MAJORLY tempted to buy a treat for myself. This holiday is going to suck! Excuse my verbiage, but its hard not buying extra decorations and presents and food. I never usually go to the store unless its a Sat. I keep it to one day a week so I can plan it out in my head and get through it. When I have time to wander around on a "non Saturday" it becomes dangerous to my mind and my wallet!!  But mission accomplished. I walked in and traded what I needed to and nothing extra. My temptation was the check out line. I normally would have just grabbed a bag of something today. Why make all the way to the store and not pick up a little treat?
So maybe $1 saved on that today. You would think that by not giving into temptation my waist size would shrink, but I am not so sure home cooking is any healthier than a drive through. I need to make an effort to re-evaluate my meal plans again. Perfect time to do it too since the holidays are coming:)

Ryan - Helped my dad taking my mother to a doctor's appointment. I had to start work early and work late to make up for the time, but it's feels good to help out my parents. I then went to finish up a side job. Not much else.

COST: $1

TOTAL $ SAVED YTD: $3231.30

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