Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 95

Ryan - I returned the "extra" stuff from yesterday, but since I didn't have a receipt, I had to accept a store credit. I can recoup the money from my side jobs, since I'm a regular at Home Depot. I really like the new toilet. The only problem is the supply line leaks still and I can't get a compatible replacement part because the original plumbing was done unconventionally. So I still have more work to do. Bummer.

Lizzy - Okay here is my question and any comments would be helpful. Because I was asked to be part of the Emergency Preparedness in our area  and I have been taking classes, I feel very prompted to purchase a 3 month supply of food storage. See, we have been told to have at least a 6 month supply and looking in our cupboards we have a 0 month supply. Lately it keeps coming back on my mind that we need to get something in place. I feel strongly about it and that I would be doing the right thing for my children especially. does this work with the no spending quest we are on? Is paying for this supply breaking our rule? Or is not having food in the event of an emergency for the next 9 months  worth the wait? Big dilemma and not sure what one would say. Any suggestions???

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