Monday, August 30, 2010

DAY 17

Lizzy - Last night was a blast. Our friend Jodi graduated from the University (wahoo!! way to go girl!!)  They had us all over for the party. So free dinner even though I feel bad we didn't bring anything:( But there was plenty. The band was fantastic. I've never actually heard Mitch play in all these years and they were great! I even got Ryan up dancing. Its a good thing I never met him in a club (lol...j/k ry....kind of ).  IT was a late night but fun. Heber our nephew had his Mission Homecoming today. So we spent the afternoon visiting with family and friends and had an amazing lunch! The cook at Ruby's Diner up the canyon lives down the street and is always cooking up some ribs and pulled pork. We also drove out to Toole to take some family

pictures. There are actually some really pretty spots. We would have gone out to the lake but it smelled SO bad so we stuck with the county look. Ginny made a wonderful dinner and we just visited. So a very full day but still no spending:)

Ryan - I hope everyone appreciates my music I added to the player. It's nice to add some cult classics to the our list. Last night was fun. I did feel bad we didn't bring food or desert. This is where it's tough, because you don't want to come across as a freeloader, but you don't want to exclude yourself from all the fun stuff going on. Jodi & Mitch are great. In retrospect, we could have come up with some creative dish  from what we had around the house. And actually, I don't know if we would have broken any of our guidelines/rules by spending money for this party, because we were provided food there at no cost, and ours would have contributed to the meal for the night. So when you look at it, there would have been not extra cost, because we didn't consume our food at home as well. I don't know. I don't want to complicate things either. Your thoughts Lizzy?

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