Lizzy - Just about messed it up today. I was at Sams Club getting some baby food and Gracie was really thirsty. I walked right past a large box of those Capri sun drinks and put one in the cart. It wasn't until we got up to the check stand that I realized that was a complete impulse buy.
We have 2 frozen juice cans in the freezer at home and realized I didn't need to buy it. She could just wait till we got home. She was whining then asked for one of those cups for the snack bar that is right at the check out. I felt bad she was so thirsty so we looked for a fountain but could not see one. The whining just got under my skin but I wasn't going to ruin this so we got in the car and I drove home as fast as I could ignoring the tantrum she was throwing and the minute I pulled in I raced to the fridge and got her cup of milk (I still have to wait for the juice to thaw). But right there I saved myself the 7.99 large pack of drinks and bypassed the fountain drinks at the checkout. Which I think were only $0.89. Very frustrating moment but its over and shes forgotten about it and I have that much more back in my wallet.!!Ryan - I forgot my lunch for week (pasta). At first I thought, "great, I'm going to starve today" and my mind started scattering for ideas and then I remembered I still had lunch meat and bread left over from last week. Saved!!!!
TIP: Make sure to pack your car with bottled water and some kind of snack/food item that will last. Having those on hand are good not only if you get into a huge emergency and need those but also for the little outings during the day and someone needs to eat or drink. It will save you time and money to grab something out of your trunk than to drive through someplace or run into the store.
Item wanted: Case of Drinks
COST: $7.99
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